California School Dashboard
The California Department of Education has designed a new accountability system that gives a more robust view into the performance of schools. Known as the California School Dashboard, the web-based accountability system is designed to help communities across the state access important information about K-12 districts and schools.
The new California School Dashboard features multiple indicators of school performance, including test scores, graduation rates, English learner progress and suspension rates. It is important to remember that the data shown is preliminary; metrics and data will be added over time.
CDE website for the California Accountability Model and School Dashboard
Contact Us
Dr. Mina Blazy
Director of Continuous Improvement, Program Evaluation, Data, and Assessment
714- 424-7555
Wendy Allee
Assessment and Accountability Specialist
Linda Wescott
Assessment and Accountability Specialist
Danielle Zavala
Assessment and Accountability Specialist
Mariela Herrera
Assessment and Accountability Specialist
Ginger Harrer
Computer Software Analyst
Kimberly Vasquez
Administrative Assistant