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Resources for Parents and Students


Starting Smarter CAASPP
versión en español

Starting Smarter ELPAC
versión en español

PTA Parents' Guide to Student Success

Guía Para Padres Para Fomentar el Éxito Escolar

Smarter Balanced - What Parents and Students Should Know

Video and Webcast Resources for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)


Student Login for Practice and Training Tests
Both the practice test (a complete test for students to simulate the duration and depth of the test) and the training test (a shorter 9 question test to allow students to practice the item types and interface features of the SBAC tests)

Contact Us

Dr. Mina Blazy
Director of Continuous Improvement, Program Evaluation, Data, and Assessment
714- 424-7555

Wendy Allee
Assessment and Accountability Specialist

Linda Wescott
Assessment and Accountability Specialist

Danielle Zavala
Assessment and Accountability Specialist

Mariela Herrera
Assessment and Accountability Specialist

Ginger Harrer
Computer Software Analyst

Kimberly Vasquez
Administrative Assistant