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GATE Resources

Publications & Events

Orange County Council for Gifted and Talented Education
OCC GATE Website

UCI Extension Gifted & Talented Webinar Series
UCI GATE website

California Association for the Gifted (CAG)
CAG website

Gifted Education Communicator (GEC)
GEC website

Other Articles

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Motivation Missing in Action

The Twelve Most Important Issues for Parents of Gifted Children

Yes, Yes We Can!

¡Sí, Sí, Se Puede!

Helping Adolescents Adjust to Giftedness

Non-Negotiable Criteria for Middle School

Contact Us

GATE operations and student placement differ slightly at each school site within NMUSD.

Please contact your GATE Coordinator or Principal for more information about your school's GATE program.

Lori Hernandez
Director of Teaching & Learning-Elementary

Tracey Nelson
Administrative Assistant