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Student Attendance

attend school every day. start, stay, finish strong


According to the California Department of Education, laws for compulsory education require everyone between the ages of 6-18 to attend school. When students violate these laws and develop a pattern of unexcused absences they create problems for themselves, their schools and their communities.

In all cases, schools will attempt interventions to return the students attendance to a positive state. However, the attendance patterns of some students are so severe that they require more aggressive responses. In 1974 the California State Legislature enacted California Education Code Sections 48320 and 48321, these codes allowed us to utilize all resources available to curb student truancy and divert students from the juvenile justice system.

The goal of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) is to investigate what is at the core of individual truancy issues, to provide resources and support for families where student truancy is a persistent problem, and to provide a path toward success and improved attendance for students who come before the board. In some cases the District's SARB will refer students and their parents to court, where they will be subject to the discretion of the Orange County District Attorney’s Truancy Unit.

Contact Us

Angela Allen-Hess
Coordinator, Child Welfare & Attendance