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On December 9, 2024, a vacancy by resignation was created on the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Education for Trustee Area 5. The Board of Education of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District has appointed Kirstin E. Walsh to fill the vacancy in Trustee Area 5 by provisional appointment, at a special meeting of the Board on January 27, 2025. Kirstin E. Walsh has taken the oath of office immediately. This provisional appointment is effective immediately.

Unless a petition is filed in the Office of the County Superintendent of Schools within thirty (30) days of this provisional appointment containing a sufficient number of signatures, this provisional appointment shall be effective until the next regularly scheduled Board of Education election for Trustee Area 5, November 3, 2026, and the installation of a board member for a new term of the affected board seat, December 11, 2026.