Home Hospital
Home/Hospital Instruction
The Newport-Mesa Unified School District offers Home/Hospital Instruction to students facing temporary, unique medical conditions that significantly impact their ability to attend our regular education programs. According to California Education Code 48206.3 and NMUSD Administrative Regulation 6183, a student is eligible for Home and Hospital Instruction if they have a temporary disability that makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which they are enrolled impossible or inadvisable. If approved for Home Hospital Instruction, the district provides one hour of instruction by a credentialed teacher for every day of instruction offered by the general education program.
To request Home and Hospital Instruction, please ask your student’s physician to complete the Application for Home Hospital Instruction Services, linked below, then upload the form and complete the parent application on Informed K-12, using the links below.
Home/Hospital Instruction Forms
- Application for Home Hospital/Instruction - Physician Form
- Application for Home/Hospital Instruction (Elementary) - Parent Form
- Application for Home/Hospital Instruction (Secondary) - Parent Form